Child Nutrition

  • Welcome to our Child Nutrition Department. The Cardiff School District recognizes the important connection between health and a student's ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. 

    Ongoing state and federal legislation allows Cardiff School District to continue to make available a daily breakfast and lunch, free of charge, for all students. 

    Cardiff School District participates in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. All students will receive nutritious meals, free of charge, every school day. The meal programs we participate in are supported by federal and state reimbursements that are based on household income and eligibility. Although meals are free of charge, families are encouraged to submit a meal application. The information collected ensures our schools receive adequate funding and can offer your family additional benefits such as discounted fees. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. You or your children do not have to be U.S. citizens to qualify for free meals. 

    Our Nutrition Services team remains committed to offering freshly prepared, healthy meal options to all students. Meals include an entree, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk.  Breakfast will be available at each school cafeteria every morning for 15 minutes before the school day starts. Lunch will be served daily during students’ scheduled lunchtime. A grab and go lunch will be available on early release Wednesdays. All students are encouraged to participate.