
    Welcome to Fifth Grade!

    Dear Parents,

    I would like to take this moment to welcome you to Ada Harris and Room 15! I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher, and I am excited about getting to know you and work closely with you to make it a wonderful year for your child. I can’t wait to discover each child’s unique qualities and watch them grow and learn this year.

    Working together is the best way I know of to help your child be as successful as possible. I believe that parents play an important role in their child’s education. Please ask your child about school often. The more involvement that you have with their learning, the more value they place on it. I look forward to having you be involved in many learning activities throughout the year. Please feel free to contact me any time you have any concern or question about your child or his or her progress. I will be in close contact with you throughout the year. I hope to create a classroom environment conducive to learning and growing without the fear of making mistakes. I hope to preserve and respect the uniqueness of each child, because each and every one of them is special.

    I can be reached in many ways. Please feel free to e-mail me at   kris.ensberg@cardiffschools.com, send in a note, or call me at 632-5894 ext. 115.  I look forward to working closely with your child and you this year.  I want to thank you, in advance, for your support and cooperation.


    Kris Ensberg