by Rusty, Molly and Anton

    pickleweed pic

    It looks like a bony skeleton dried and limped over. What plant is it? Pickleweed! Pickleweed is not really made out of pickles. It is a salt marsh plant. The stems are bumpy like warts. When the lagoon mouth is closed, all the live stuff is underwater and all the dead stuff is on the surface. Pickleweed looks like a beaded necklace. Pickleweed is as tall as your knee. Flowers are on the plant between April and September. Pickleweed is a native plant, that means it belongs at the lagoon. It lives at the water's edge. It tastes salty like potato chips and Indians used to eat it. Live pickleweed is green. Pickleweed looks like a tiny Saguaro Cactus. Pickleweed looks like a miniature tree with no leaves. It is in the shape of a Coke bottle. It looks like a hot dog.