Ada Harris Wildcat Band


    Ada Harris Wildcat Band

    Welcome to the Ada Harris Wildcat Band Page!

    Ada Harris has a beginning band, an intermediate band, and a small ensemble. 4th-6th graders who are joining the band for the first time (or switching to a new instrument) will start in Beginning Band. After one full year in band, students move up to Intermediate Band. Both ensembles perform at a variety of school and community events, such as the Encinitas Holiday Parade, Band-o-Rama, Cardiff Ice Cream Social, and our own concerts! Students play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, or concert percussion. Students in Intermediate Band who are interested in additional practice and performance opportunities may join the Small Ensemble. Small Ensemble rehearse for an extra hour each week and perform at the Cardiff Farmer's Market several times throughout the year. 

    Sectionals (instrument-specific rehearsals) are once a week before school, from 7:00-7:45am. Beginning Band rehearses after school on Thursdays, from 2:45 - 3:40 pm. Intermediate Band rehearses after school on Wednesdays, from 12:30 - 2:00pm. Small Ensemble rehearses on Wednesdays from 2:00- 3:00pm. The band has some instruments available to loan to students, or they can rent from a local music store. 

    There is a suggested $350 annual donation to participate in the band program, but no one will be turned away if they are unable to contribute. The Wildcat Band is primarily funded by donations from families. We wouldn't be able to do this without your support! Donations cover coaching staff, instrument purchases and repairs, sheet music, and instrument supplies. We greatly appreciate your participation!


    Wildcat Band 2015-2016
    Wildcat Band 2022-2023
    Cardiff SEA Music Boosters
    The Cardiff SEA Music Boosters provide fundraising and organizational support to the Wildcat Band. We are a volunteer committee of the Cardiff SEA who believe that instrumental music is a vital part of our children's education. We support the Ada Harris Instrumental Music Program - The Wildcat Band - by providing funds for instrument coaching, partial band director salary, and purchasing/repairing instruments and supplies. The majority of our funding comes from direct parent donations. Other funding comes from fundraisers and the Cardiff School District. Cardiff SEA Music Boosters is funded in part by the City of Encinitas! 
    Cardiff SEA Music Boosters is responsible for all fundraising and for supporting our band coaches in any way we can. If you are interested in volunteering for Cardiff SEA Music Boosters, please contact us at or check out the Music Booster tab for more information. We need your help to keep our program strong and successful!